Jeremiah 1:5

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations."

I was walking through my parents house the other day and I paused to look at a picture on the wall. It has all the names of the children, and spouses, with their meanings and a verse. Very nice. But then I noticed the the last nine words of the verse on mine. " I have appointed you a prophet to the nations" Ever since I was a child, I wanted to make a mark in history, to define a period. Admitedlly, many of my reasons were selfish. But as I grow towards Christ, He has filled me with a burning desire to take His gospel to the nations. I will not rest until every knee bows down at the foot of Christ, and every tounge sings His praise. When I was young, I embraced it, now I fear it. When I was young I desired it, now I am defined by it. This is who I am. I cannot waste my time doing other things.

The Lord has shown me that this will not come easy. In Acts 1, when Jesus tells us we will be His witnesses, the word for witness is martus, from where we get our word martyr. To be a witness for Christ is to die for Him. My heart cries out for the lost people, for the hurting, for the lonely. My heart burns within me for the Glory of Christ. My mind and heart is filled with disgust for the things of this world. My heart weeps, and my body hurts for the nations, and the Glory of Christ.

Lord, move me. Fill me with your spirit. I long to hear the sound of a mighty rushing wind. I long to hear it over the nations as you come. I want to hear it in my sleep. I want to hear it my waking. In my eating and my sleeping. Move over my heart. Do not let me sleep at night for I am so broken for the nations. Father come, Father come, Father come. We must have you.

Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from Him cometh my salvation. Ps. 62:1


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