Looking Backwards to Move Forwards

You can't flip on the news without hearing about all the alarming things coming in the future.  Global Warming, over-population, lack of food, drought, hackers, NSA spying on people, and on and on. Each time we lose a worry like the Cold War, we pick up more to take it's place like domestic terrorism and chemical warfare.

And that's just on a global level.  In our own lives we deal with bad news from the dr, mounting bills, heaters going out, cars breaking, marriages falling apart, wayward children, abuse, neglect, and so much more.  The future is a terrifying place.  So much so that it drives many people mad, to hoard supplies for the coming apocalypse, or worse.

So where are we to turn?  For a christian, we have but one hope in this world, the Cross of Christ. And for us, that is behind us.  It's finished.  It's done.  It's over.  You see, the world is most concerned with what is in front of them.  We worry about the future, about what it holds, about how we are going to overcome all the obstacles that are going to come.  Overpopulation, drought, terrorism, spies, and more.  Who can know what the future holds?  Stuff that seemed ridiculous 10 years ago is now reality.  Techonolgy grows exponentially, and so, it seems, do our worries about the future.

The christian can stand and face the future, not because of a special knowledge or leg up on the future.  We can stand and face the future boldly because we know what is behind us.  The cross of Christ.  Where he paid our debt, once for all became the stand in for our sins, reconciling us to God through his death on the cross.  While the world worries about what is ahead, we can rest in the fact of what we know is behind us.  Jesus.  And that gives us freedom to boldly face whatever may come with the peace that can only come from knowing Christ.


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